Individual Submission Summary

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The Influence of Partisan Versus Nonpartisan Media Contexts on Evaluations and Effectiveness of a Media Literacy Advertisement

Sun, May 24, 12:00 to 13:15, Caribe Hilton, Grand Salon Los Rosales


Most media literacy education occurs in classrooms, limiting its impact to students. However, research suggests that media literacy messages can be effectively employed outside of the classroom. This study analyzes the effects of presenting key media literacy concepts, in the form of a public service announcement (PSA), on individuals’ perceived media literacy attitudes and beliefs, and news media literacy. It also analyzes the influence of the media context in which the PSA is embedded and personal characteristics on evaluations and effectiveness of the PSA. Findings suggest that the effects of the media literacy PSA are conditioned by the context in which it occurs. Implications for non-classroom media literacy interventions are discussed
