Individual Submission Summary

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A Consumer Socialization Perspective on Prosocial Attitudes and Behaviors: The Importance of Interpersonal Influence

Sat, May 23, 9:00 to 10:15, Caribe Hilton, Conference Room 6


Individuals donating to and volunteering with charitable organizations is an important and growing aspect of society. Previous research has addressed various factors influencing these prosocial behaviors, but there is a dearth of research using consumer socialization theory. Through the use of an online survey of college students from a small Eastern University (N = 310), the current body of research utilized consumer socialization theory to examine the influence of three socialization agents (parents, peers, and media) have on individuals’ prosocial attitude and behavioral intentions. Analysis reveals interpersonal agents had the greatest influence. Specifically, peer socialization had the strongest direct influence on prosocial attitudes and behavioral intentions, while parental socialization only had significant influence on prosocial behavior. Additionally, gender differences were found with females having more favorable prosocial attitudes and behavioral intentions.
