Individual Submission Summary

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The Effects of Credibility Cues on the Selection of Search Engine Results

Sun, May 24, 12:00 to 13:15, Caribe Hilton, Grand Salon Los Rosales


This paper examines factors influencing the selection of search engine results. Based on recent findings and theoretical considerations, we compare the effects of the search results’ position in the results list to those of three credibility cues (website reputation, neutrality, and social recommendations) for two issues. The results of our study (N = 247) suggest a secondary role of credibility in selection processes. Most people rely on the given ranking: the higher the result is ranked, the more likely it is selected. An additional effect is only found for reputation, showing that high reputation results are more likely to be selected. Personal characteristics, like knowledge about the issues or search engine usage patterns, do not influence the preference for results linked with certain credibility cues. These findings are discussed in light of personal factors (e.g., involvement) and situational characteristics (e.g., low-cost situations).
