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A New Scale for Confirmation Bias

Mon, May 25, 9:00 to 10:15, Caribe Hilton, San Geronimo Ballroom C


Confirmation bias (CB) is a form of heuristic processing which reduces cognitive effort by selectively limiting information search to that which is consistent with prior expectations, while overlooking that which might disconfirm initial assumptions. As prevalent as CB is—influencing nearly every form of interpersonal interaction and routine communication behavior—it remains a virtually unmeasured phenomenon. Presented is a study designed to develop a new CB scale. Participants (N = 333) read online training and bias elicitation messages, and responded to items assessing general bias knowledge and CB. Results show the scale (dubbed NewCB) to be reliable and valid, with good internal consistency. Two 7-item subscales are highly correlated with each other, and the full 14-item scale is correlated with a measure of CB (Wason’s card selection task), while diverging from a general bias scale. Discussion of the results and limitations is included along with suggestions for future research.
