Individual Submission Summary

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It's My Choice: The Effects of Virtual Moral Decision-Making on Narrative Game Engagement

Sat, June 11, 12:30 to 15:15, Fukuoka Hilton, Ran


RESEARCH PAPER: The present study’s purpose was to determine how choice and morality interact to affect narrative engagement. A 2 (choice vs. no choice) X 2 (moral vs. immoral) experiment was conducted utilizing a modified version of a video game to examine the role of moral choice. Results indicated that very few individuals preferred the bad option when given a choice. Although there were no significant differences found between conditions on transportation, appreciation, or parasocial interaction, the study revealed significant differences for identification such that those who committed more moral actions identified less with the main character. Additionally, those who chose good actions felt more moral than those who were forced to commit good actions. Implications of these findings are discussed.
