Individual Submission Summary

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Meanings and Functions of Social Media to Migrant Students: Comparision Between Vietnamese Students in Korea and Singapore

Fri, June 10, 12:30 to 13:45, Fukuoka Hilton, Grand Foyer


This study examined the role of social media in the daily lives of migrant students. The focus of the study was students’ uses and gratifications of social media, particularly regarding communication with friends and family back in their home country. A total of 45 Vietnamese female students participated in a weeklong social media deprivation exercise where use of social media with friends and family in Vietnam was ceased for a pre-determined period. A cross-cultural comparison was conducted to compare 20 Vietnamese students in Korea with 25 Vietnamese students in Singapore. Results suggested a number of differences between the two groups. Intense feelings, such as frustration and anxiety, were prevalent among students in Korea, as well as an increase in time spent with Vietnamese friends in Korea. In contrast, students in Singapore tended to substitute time spent on social media with non-communication activities such as schoolwork or other offline tasks.
