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Making History Together: Derogatory Online Comments on Chinese Mythic Plays as Echoes of Hegemonic Discourse

Fri, June 10, 12:30 to 13:45, Fukuoka Hilton, Grand Foyer


Chinese internet users have mocked TV dramas for their unrealistic, overly heroic portrayal of the war against Japan. They charged the dramas with distorting history by nicknaming them Mythic Plays. As a result the representation of the war on Chinese TV became a nationwide discussion. Using Gramsci’s concept of hegemony as a framework, this article analyzes the controversy about Mythic Plays through a qualitative analysis of online comments. Specifically it examines the internet commentators’ expectation of the representation of national history. It argues that as a result of propaganda and state-controlled education internet users have been, at least in the case of Mythic Plays, active participants in the ongoing process of maintaining China’s official ideology.
