Individual Submission Summary

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Moral Emotions in Pro-Environmental Messages

Mon, June 13, 9:30 to 10:45, Fukuoka Hilton, Argos C


As a form of prosociality, environmental behaviors are driven by a moral obligation to protect cherished objects, beings, or states. However, most studies and pro-environmental messages have invoked a somewhat narrow conceptualization of what predicts and constitutes a moral obligation (i.e., social altruism and biospheric altruism lead to an obligation to protect unknown others and/or the planet). Moral foundations theory offers a broader way to conceptualize and, perhaps, activate moral obligations to engage in pro-environmental behaviors, which could lead to a greater percentage of the population practicing those behaviors. We examine the influence of positive messages about pro-environmental behavior that are framed to appeal to four different moral foundations and whether such frames interact with individual differences (such as political orientation) to stimulate hope, anticipated guilt associated with inaction, and willingness to sacrifice personal resources in order to engage in an advocated pro-environmental behavior.
