Session Submission Summary

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Preconference: Populism in, by, and Against the Media

Thu, June 9, 9:00 to 17:30, Fukuoka Hilton, Ran

Session Submission Type: Panel


The aim of this pre-conference is to bring together researchers from all over the world interested in the relationship between populism and the media. This relationship is at least threefold:
1. Populism in the media: How do the media cover populist actors and discourses? Does this coverage foster populism in the population and in the political field?
2. Populism by the media: Do the media act as populist actors themselves who, with their own strategies and goals, express populist worldviews? Does this form of media populism promote or substitute other populist actors?
3. Populism against the media: Has media criticism become an integral part of populist ideologies and discourses? How can we understand and explain the distrust populists have expressed toward the (mainstream) media in many countries, and what are its consequences? How do people who hold a populist worldview use the media?

Sub Unit


Individual Presentations