Individual Submission Summary

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Waterline: Giving Voice

Thu, May 25, 19:30 to 21:30, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Floor: 2, Indigo Ballroom B


This presentation is based on a photographic response to post-Katrina flooding in New Orleans that has traveled and gathered viewer interactions in the form of comments written on installation panels next to photographs. I propose to make the voices of the hundreds of people who wrote on the panels come alive in a 12- to 18-minute video. The visual component will be a montage of Waterline images, both individual photographs and shots of installation panels and comments on the panels. The sound track will be voices speaking the comments written on the panels. I will use the project’s social media sites to invite people who have long followed the project—some of whom might well have written a comment on a panel—to submit their own recorded voices speaking comments, and will engage current students to assist in giving voice to comments and constructing the video. The project book, a poster and weblinks will also be displayed.
