Individual Submission Summary

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Conducting Culturally Contextualized Focus Groups in Intercultural Research

Sun, May 28, 12:30 to 13:45, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Floor: 4 (Sapphire), Exhibit Hall - Rear


Research in intercultural settings is becoming more common but may result in invalid data if methods are not culturally appropriate. Researchers should adapt methods to avoid mismatch with cultural norms but little systematic guidance for how to do so exists. For focus group research, the targeted use of a systemic framework (Hymes, 1972) enables identification of social group settings conducive to the type of interaction required. We tested the approach in a mediated communication campaign targeting driving behaviors in the Arabian Gulf, identifying a common social setting—the majlis—in which to conduct the groups. We succeeded in eliciting the open discussion desired and argue researchers across the globe can utilize the same process to identify and leverage group settings, increasing the likelihood of successfully gathering the data necessary for effective communication campaigns of all types and thus saving lives.
