Individual Submission Summary

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Contributions of Mainstream Sexual Media Exposure to Sexual Attitudes, Perceived Peer Norms, and Sexual Behavior: A Meta-Analysis

Sat, May 27, 9:30 to 10:45, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Floor: 2, Indigo Ballroom H


Decades of research have examined the impact of exposure to non-explicit portrayals of sexual content in media. However, to our knowledge, few meta-analyses have collectively examined the impact of sexual media on attitudes and behavior. Accordingly, the purpose of this meta-analysis was to examine the effect of exposure to sexual media on attitudes (permissive attitudes, peer norms, and rape myths) and sexual behaviors (general sexual behavior, age of sexual initiation, and risky sexual behavior). Results from 63 studies, involving 380 effect sizes, revealed that exposure to sexual media had a small, but significant effect on both sexual attitudes and behavior. Effects were stronger for adolescents than emerging adults. Additionally, effects were stronger for longitudinal and cross-sectional studies than for experimental ones. Implications for parents, media producers, and researchers are discussed.
