Individual Submission Summary

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Predicting Information Self-Disclosure On Facebook: The Interplay Between Concern For Privacy and Need for Uniqueness

Sat, May 27, 8:00 to 9:15, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Floor: 2, Indigo Ballroom D


Based on an online survey of 222 adults, this research investigated the effect of information privacy concern (IPC) and need for uniqueness (NFU) on various types of information individuals disclose on Facebook. Overall, there is a negative relationship between IPC and a positive relationship between NFU and willingness to self-disclose information. Among diverse information that social media users disclose online, four distinct factors were identified: basic personal information, private information, personal opinions, and personal photos. While results varied depending on the type of information disclosed, overall, NFU was a better predictor of willingness to disclose information than IPC, gender, or age. Findings contributes to the impression management literature by demonstrating that an individual’s needs to manifest individuation on social media overrides privacy concerns.
