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Cyrus, Minaj, and Swift: Millennial Feminism at the 2015 Video Music Awards

Sat, May 27, 11:00 to 12:15, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Floor: 3, Aqua Salon D


Using circuit of culture as a framework, this collaborative project examines representations of feminism at the MTV cable network’s 2015 Video Music Awards. Employing a mixed-methods approach, our research collaboration examined representations of feminism by three star per- formers: the host, Miley Cyrus, and two award-winning guests, Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift. in this paper, we focus on the consumption of these representations using social media analytics and identification with these representations through a survey. These are synthesized with brief de- scriptions of our examinations into the program’s production, representations, and regulation. Our findings suggest that, while “feminism” is no longer a negative term for young persons, there is considerable negotiation and contention around the meaning of feminism for Millennials.
