Individual Submission Summary

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Connectivity as Impression Management: An Affordance Approach to Connectivity in the Workplace

Sun, May 28, 9:30 to 10:45, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Floor: 2, Indigo 202A


Research into the impact of mobile technology use in organizations has increased dramatically in recent years, with a many studies examining issues such as work-life balance and burnout. This exploratory study seeks to fill a gap in the literature by examining connectivity from an affordance perspective; that is, as a tool that can be used in varied ways. In particular, this study qualitatively explores how mobile technology enables connectivity to be used as an impression management tool among white-collar knowledge workers. Findings revealed three main themes: the structuration of expectations for connectivity, connectivity shapes impressions of employees, and critical work-related moments increase pressure to be connected. Practical considerations and directions for future research are also addressed.
