Individual Submission Summary

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Using Narrative Persuasion to Cybervet and Assess Person-Organization Fit Among Job Seekers

Sun, May 28, 8:00 to 9:15, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Floor: 3, Aqua 314


Job advertisements are one of the first pieces of company information applicants use to cybervet, or evaluate whether they are a fit for a position. This study explores how job ads presented in narrative, storytelling forms influence a job seeker’s perceived person-organization fit and intent to apply for a company. Utilizing narrative persuasion and P.O. fit theory, through an online experiment, results indicate that narrative and story-like job ads produce higher levels of fit and intent to apply compared to traditional ads. The findings of this study elaborate on a reconceptualization of cybervetting during the recruitment process as companies are targeted by job seekers. Implications for P.O. fit and narrative persuasion, cybervetting development, and directions for future research are also discussed.
