Individual Submission Summary

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Risk Attention Phase Model: A Multidimensional Risk Construct

Mon, May 29, 14:00 to 15:15, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Floor: 2, Indigo 204A


This study uses a multidimensional risk definition to analyze how mass media cover nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is beneficial to society in many ways but also comes with a certain probability to be detrimental. The empirical risk of this study considers these “positive” and “negative” sides of the technology when studying how the coverage of this technology looks. By applying this model to a period of five years of coverage the different risk dimensions help picturing changing media coverage and a phase pattern in the coverage. This risk attention phase model is not only relevant to show how media coverage changes over time and is influenced by detrimental events such as Fukushima, but it also carries important evidence considering the political phase model. Moreover this innovative way to study risk holds promising solutions to some of the field’s struggles, e.g. the disadvantage of non-comparable risk coverage studies.
