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Off the Wall: Uncovering Motivations to Resist or Reject Facebook

Sat, May 27, 8:00 to 9:15, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Floor: 2, Indigo 202B


This study explores and compares the motivations of internet users to quit Facebook or abstain from using the social networking site. Based on a survey, filled in by 210 non-users, this article compares the motivations of resisters (people who never started Facebook) and rejecters (people who quit Facebook). Factor analysis shows that these motivations can be grouped into five specific categories. In order of importance these are: (1) Disinterest, (2) Privacy issues, (3) Time management issues, (4) Social pressure, and (5) Platform specific issues. Analysis shows that resisters are more extreme in their opinions and feel more concerned than rejecters in all of the categories.
