Individual Submission Summary

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Body Dissatisfaction and Neuroticism as Determinants of Calorie-Tracking App Use Amongst Young Adults

Sat, May 27, 12:30 to 13:45, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Floor: 3, Aqua 303


The purpose of the current study is to investigate the influence of body dissatisfaction and neuroticism as potential predictors of calorie-tracking app usage amongst young adults, utilizing objectification theory as guiding framework. Participants (N = 491) completed an online survey asking about their body dissatisfaction, neuroticism, and use of apps that track calories. Analyses revealed that female sex and body dissatisfaction—but not neuroticism—were direct predictors of calorie-tracking app usage. Analyses also provided support for a causal sequence wherein neuroticism and body dissatisfaction mediate, in serial, the relationship between female sex and calorie-tracking app usage. These results help further our theoretical understanding of calorie-tracking app usage as well as suggest that more research is needed regarding the influence of new media technology on health risks stemming from psychological consequences of self-objectification.
