Individual Submission Summary

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Reciprocity of Inter-Media and Second Level Agenda Setting in the Case of Islamic State of Levant or Al-Sham (ISIS/ISIL/IS)

Sun, May 28, 15:30 to 16:45, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Floor: 2, Indigo 206


This study investigates the reciprocal influence on inter-media and second level agenda setting using the case of ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State (IS) with big data analysis. The big data analysis is demonstrated using a time series analysis, the Granger causality with three different media organizations’ coverage: the amount of coverage from traditional media, the volume of tweets (social media) and official statements from governments regarding ISIS/ISIL/IS.
Keywords: Inter-Media Agenda Setting; Second Level Agenda Setting; ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State (IS); Big Data Analysis; Granger Causality
