Individual Submission Summary

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Adolescent Parasocial Romantic Relationships and Initial Sexual Development, Fantasies, and Dating Experiences

Sat, May 27, 9:30 to 10:45, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Floor: 2, Indigo Ballroom H


Research has shown adolescents often develop romantic interest in media figures; and although imaginary, can serve as the first significant experience of romance. Therefore, the purpose of this study was three-fold: (1) identify characteristics of PSRRs (prevalence, age of onset, and duration); (2) examine predictors of PSRRs in adolescence (sexual orientation, loneliness, and parental marital status); and (3) investigate the interplay of PSRRs with adolescents’ sexual development (sexual fantasies and initial dating experiences). Study 1 included retrospective data of young adults 18+ years (N = 241); Study 2 included concurrent data from a national sample of teenagers 13-17 years (N = 147). Results indicate PSRRs are highly pervasive, intense, and long-lasting among both males and females; but are not predicted by any of the psychological variables measured. Their onset corresponds with early sexualization (first sexual fantasy), and terminate with the development of a first meaningful real-life romantic relationship.
