Individual Submission Summary

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The Fields of Power Struggle and Symbolic Struggle: Building an Interdisciplinary Community-Communication Research Model

Sat, May 26, 17:00 to 18:15, Hilton Prague, Floor: LL, Congress Hall II - Exhibit Hall/Posters


I attempted to build a generic interdisciplinary theoretical framework of local urban politics by linking political communication with such adjacent disciplines as urban studies, sociology, and political science. To this end, a case of local low-income housing policy – inclusionary zoning – in Madison, Wisconsin, USA, was assessed. By reconstructing the urban politics in terms of power struggle and symbolic struggle through Pierre Bourdieu’s theories of practice and communication, I developed a comprehensive theoretical framework of community-communication ecology, from an ecological approach to community and public discourse. Also, Bourdieu’s relational mode of social inquiry and methodological guidance were introduced and explained for this research.
