Individual Submission Summary

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How Do Media Information Impact Japanese People’s Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Human-Computer Interaction

Mon, May 28, 11:00 to 12:15, Hilton Prague, Floor: L, Brussels


This exploratory study attempts to outline Japanese people’s cognitive reactions to communicative artificial intelligence (AI). The influence of media exposure, attitude toward technology, and knowledge on judgment and decision-making regarding communicative AI was examined. Analyses were based on data collected from 152 Japanese people. Results suggested that positive attitude toward technology can greatly increase perceived benefit of communicative AI, which would consequently lead to searching AI-related information, directly interacting with AI, and possessing AI products. Familiarity of communicative AI, which can also be contributed by positive attitude, can not only increase perceived benefit but also reduce perceived risk of the technology. Concerning the influence of media information, the more people read newspapers and use the Internet, the more likely they are to show positive attitude toward technology. Implications for science communication and promoting acceptance of AI technology are discussed.
