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Chinese Hui Minority People’s Needs in Obtaining Health Information About Cardiovascular Diseases

Mon, May 28, 9:30 to 10:45, Hilton Prague, Floor: LL, Roma


There is hardly any research to explore Chinese Hui minority people’s health communication issues. Hui people have a high prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors (CVRFs) (Wu et al, 2016). The current research aims to find out what kind of Cardiovascular Disease health information Hui people obtain from different sources and establish what needs Hui people have related to CVD health information. The authors conducted six focus groups in Shenyang City. The U&G analysis revealed that a need for information was prominent. An unexpected result was that the Hui participants felt ignored by mainstream media and society at large. Besides, they experienced obstacles in getting CVD health information, in particular with respect to the credibility of information. Overall, the participants expressed a need for credible and professional CVD health information from different sources, and they thought there should be mediated health communication programs specifically targeted at Hui people.
