Individual Submission Summary

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Implicit Frames of CSR: The Interplay Between the News Media, PR, and the Public

Mon, May 28, 17:00 to 18:15, Hilton Prague, Floor: M, Hercovka


This study investigates the multidirectional causal relationships between the domains the news media, organizational public relations (PR), and the public in terms of implicit framing of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). To empirically investigate implicit framing of CSR, an automated content analysis of Dutch newspaper articles and organizational press releases is employed. In addition, Google Trends data was examined in order to determine implicit framing of CSR among the public. Monthly level vector autoregression (VAR) analyses show different effects across frames. Overall, in line with the expectations, results show positive effects of the news media on the public and of organizational PR on the news media. Moreover, contrary to expectations, results indicate a negative effect of the public on the news media and a positive as well as a negative effect of the public on organizational PR.
