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A Continued Application of Confirmation Theory: Division-I Student-Athletes’ Responses to Coach Confirmation

Sat, May 26, 12:30 to 13:45, Hilton Old Town, Floor: M, Strauss


Confirmation theory recognizes that the communication of challenge and acceptance fosters a variety of positive experiences for recipients. This study utilized confirmation theory as a framework to explore coach confirmation as an effective coaching behavior within collegiate athletics. Coaching effective was assessed via student-athletes’ reports of communication satisfaction, sport satisfaction, motivation, competitiveness, and cognitive learning. Data obtained from 179 Division-I student-athletes from across the United States revealed that coaches’ use of challenge was associated with an increase in student-athletes’ satisfaction, motivation, competitiveness, and learning, whereas the use of acceptance was associated with the increases satisfaction alone. These findings demonstrate that confirmation functions differently within the athletic context, as challenge is the premier predictor of student-athletes’ experiences. The implications of this data reveal that student-athletes’ reports of coach effectiveness are largely determined by the implementation of strategies and efforts to refine skillsets and assist in development.
