Individual Submission Summary

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Picture Power? The Contribution of News Visuals to Politically Motivated Selective Exposure

Fri, May 25, 8:00 to 9:15, Hilton Prague, Floor: L, Berlin


Today’s fragmented and high-choice media environment allows citizens to select news congenial to their political preferences. So far, however, selective exposure research has exclusively studied news selection based on textual cues, ignoring the recent proliferation of visual news media. This study aimed to identify the contribution of visuals alongside text in selective exposure to pro-attitudinal, counter-attitudinal and balanced content. Using two experiments (N = 1068) we created a social media-style timeline with news items comprising matching and non-matching images and headlines about the contested issues of immigration and gun control in the U.S. By comparing selection behaviour of participants with opposing prior attitudes on these topics, we pulled apart the contribution of images and headlines to selective exposure. Findings show that headlines play a far greater role in guiding selection, with the influence of images being minimal. The additional influence of balanced content and partisan source cues are also considered.
