Individual Submission Summary

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Hands On! Using Simulations to Develop Courageous Leaders

Sat, October 26, 17:15 to 18:30, Shaw Centre, Meeting Room 104

Short Description

This presentation will explore the role of simulations and exercises in developing courageous leaders, with a special focus on how to efficiently and productively collaborate with simulation and gaming specialists.

Detailed Abstract

Those tasked with developing courageous leaders struggle to determine if their message is getting across, as well as how to incorporate experiential learning into their education/training programs. Experiential learning, where leaders put theories and facts to work, is a critical component of a well-rounded training/education program. This is where leaders demonstrate that, not only do they know and understand the principles and theories of courageous leadership, but that they also know how to use them for effect.

"Hands On" experiential learning not only lets leaders demonstrate their mastery of complex issues, it gives them the confidence that they can be impactful in their leadership environment. However, developing custom-designed experiential learning tools is a specialized skill and working with experts in this field can be challenging and stressful for those developing courageous leaders.

This presentation will explore the role of experiential learning in leadership development and education/training. It will also discuss the challenges of collaborating with experiential learning designers and how that critical process can be more efficient and productive. The presenter, a public servant with more than 35 years of experience in designing experiential simulations and exercises to promote leadership development on the global stage, will walk participants through the collaboration process. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of the relationship between simulation/exercise designers and leadership developers as well as with a model for efficient and productive interaction.
