Session Submission Summary

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Perspectives on the Field on Nonprofit & Philanthropic Studies

Tue, July 13, 3:15 to 4:15pm, Virtual 2021, 6

Session Submission Type: Panel


This panel explores the increasing maturity and diversity of programs dedicated to preparing nonprofit leaders and professionals. This sessions presents material from an upcoming edited book that covers issues and concerns with the practice of educating individuals to lead in the third sector. The panel provides a range of perspectives on the field. Dr. Peter Weber takes a historical perspective to consider the interplay of differentiation, mobilization, and legitimization in the field’s evolution and identifies institutional forces that have both supported and hindered the institutionalization process. Dr. Robert Ashcraft argues that the role of Centers in advancing the field cannot be understated. Through an analysis of the history of nonprofit academic Centers, characteristics are revealed that provide insights that contributes to understanding the acceleration of growth of university-based nonprofit programs worldwide. Matt Hale, explore tensions and debates within the field, including past arguments over the proper “place” for nonprofit programs within a university and contemporary arguments between business centric managerial approaches and social advocacy and change approaches. Renee Irvin and Wendy Scaife consider what it takes to strengthen the field. Their paper introduces current and anticipated challenges to programs, including the public’s lack of familiarity with the field and competition on campus with traditional subjects. They conclude with a series of recommendations that could be implemented to build more robust and vibrant programs.

Robert Ashcraft Enacting Nonprofit and Philanthropic Studies: Academic Centers as Builders of Transdisciplinary Bridges, Arizona State University,

Peter Weber Institutionalization interrupted: The evolution of the field of Philanthropic and Nonprofit Studies, Auburn University,

Matt Hale Tensions in the field of Nonprofit and Philanthropic Studies, Seton Hall University,

Renee Irvin & Wendy A. Scaife The Nonprofit Studies Field as a Social Movement Itself: How Can We Strengthen It? University of Oregon,; Queensland University of Technology,

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