Individual Submission Summary

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eLaboraHD: Digital Educational Policies (políticas educativas de “lo digital”)

Sun, May 29, 2:30 to 4:00pm, TBA


This project aims to create a "place" to help with the development of projects and academic proposals that address the Digital Humanities and the use of digital technologies. In addition to an educational space, eLaboraHD is a project that discusses academic policies, typical of the UNAM, with respect to technologies in the study process, addressing both the official discourse and academic practices. Where this is the case, the distance between the official discourse and development in the everyday is considerable, so we discuss institutional support to develop such projects and the limitations of the very institution to achieve them.
We were able to identify the lack of information regarding the use of "new technologies" in the Humanities, at the undergraduate level and with regard to faculty members. Although the profile of the academic (researcher and teacher) requires being involved in the world of technology courses, there is very litle (or not at all) technical assistance to support the development of projects that are a bit outside the "traditional" way of doing humanities. The project has the overall objective to reflect on how the Digital Humanities (HD) contribute to the process of teaching and learning in the Faculty of Humanities. This project is the preliminary result of research in the teaching environment and in the area of ​​research within the Faculty.
