Individual Submission Summary

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Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Resource Extraction and Protest in Latin America

Sun, April 30, 8:00 to 9:45am, TBA


What has caused the recent influx in protest events aimed against resource extraction? Is it based on individual-level characteristics, such as opinions on the distribution of rents or a positive view of environmental protection? Or, is it the result of opportunities for protest, such that formal avenues like voting do not function, forcing individuals to turn to the streets? We use both individual- and state-level factors to determine an individual’s proclivity to protest against resource extraction. Specifically, we argue that the low-institutional capacity in some states provides the incentive for civically-engaged individuals to desire protests and demonstrations to lobby against extraction than these same civically-engaged individuals living in states with greater institutional capacity. We utilize recent survey data from the Latinobarometer (2014-2016) and state-level data from the World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) to determine how both units matter in understanding the variation in protest participation throughout the region.
