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Advances and Limitations of Regional Cooperation in Science and Technology in South America (2003-2015)

Wed, May 23, 10:45am to 12:15pm, TBA


Regional integration in Latin America has always been associated with the aspiration of further economic development. However, this model of development has changed over the years from paradigms linked to the strengthening of internal markets to other neo-liberal models proposed to open to global markets. The idea of strengthening cooperation in science and technology, has been associated only with the idea of development internal, both to ECLAC in the 1960s, and the “neo-desarrollistas” governments of the first decades of the 21st century. In this paper we propose to analyze the experiences of bilateral cooperation between Argentina and Brazil in the years of the Lula and Kirchner administrations, trying to prove that beyond the voluntarism of its leaders, the opportunities to integrate, co-operate and adjust these policies, their achievements were strongly conditioned by the advanced transnationalization of their economies.
