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Thomas Hobbes and the Reformation Natural Law Tradition

Thu, November 7, 3:45 to 5:15pm, Wyndham Philadelphia Hotel, Floor: Lobby Level, Betsy Ross II


Hobbes scholars locate Hobbes's account of natural law within a medieval/scholastic natural law tradition. Typically, they discuss the ways Hobbes deviates from this tradition, and speculate upon the reasons for this deviation. In this paper, I present Reformation conceptions of natural law and I situate Hobbes's account in this different tradition. Reformers decoupled the scholastic connection obedience to law (works) and salvation, rendering the latter a matter of grace. They oriented natural law in the direction of temporal concerns and identified it as a rule of prudence. I maintain that Hobbes's account of natural law draws from this tradition and must be considered from within it.
