Session Submission Summary

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Intersectionality and Assemblage: Locating the Nonhuman in Feminist Praxis

Sun, Nov 17, 9:35 to 10:50am, Hilton Union Square, Floor: Tower 3, 4th Floor, Union Square 09

Session Submission Type: Sponsored Roundtable


In May 2018, President Trump stated: “We’re taking people out of the country — you wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people. These are animals.” This description of M-13 continues the historic discrimination and systematic violence against marginalized people in the US, including BIPOC, immigrants, disabled people, and LGBTQIA people. Critical Animal Studies must critique political rhetorics of animality alongside its considerations for material nonhuman animals to challenge neoliberal enmeshments of racialized, gendered, and anthropocentric relations. Feminists assert that all human oppression is intersectional and interconnected; however, how the nonhuman fits into this framework is still being negotiated.

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