Individual Submission Summary

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Archilet: An Online Archive of Renaissance Italian literary Correspondences for the European Cultural Network

Thu, March 26, 1:15 to 2:45pm, Hegelplatz, Dorotheenstrasse 24/1, Floor: Fourth Floor, 1.405


The paper aims to present Archilet, an online archive of Italian literary correspondences of early modern age (15th-16th century). Many researchers form different Italian universities take part in the project, actualizing a virtuous consortium of competences. The project gives to scholar the opportunity to access an immense and agile database containing information that today would require a big effort in terms of mobility and reproduction costs. Because Archilet approach privileges the relational aspect of culture, the paper will try to prove that the project will be useful not only for Italian literature but also for the reconstruction of the European cultural network. In this paper will therefore be presented examples of epistolary communication between Italian and European authors, such as Iustus Lipsius, Erycius Puteanus, Markus Welser and Iustus Rickius.
