Session Submission Summary

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Building skills and capacity for the use of online resources in Community Psychology

Fri, June 26, 4:15 to 5:05pm, UMass Lowell Inn & Conference Center, Grand Ballroom-Merrimack 1 & 2

Session Submission Type: Symposium


Between 2000 and 2014 there has been a 741% increase in the World’s internet usage, having now 42.3% of the World’s population with access to internet (Internet World Stats, 2014). The internet offers possibilities for connecting, dialogue, sharing of resources, tools and experiences; all valuable for communities’ development, and representing an opportunity for the advancement of Community Psychology (CP) through the use of online resources. This symposium, with three presentations, aims to create awareness and utilization of such resources and help engage others by building skills and capacity for their usage.

The first presentation will feature the Community Tool Box (CTB) an online resource for community health and development that had six million visitors last year. This presentation will provide updated information on how to use the CTB to enhance local capacity, including new features and using case examples.

The second presentation will reflect on how community psychology can benefit from using webinars to facilitate the process of collaboration and community building. This presentation will cover how to set up and run a typical webinar, and include a tour of a webinar system, providing an overview of features that have potential application in community outreach, organizing, and research.

The third presentation will stimulate discussion and exchange of ideas about utilizing online teaching strategies to support in-person, blended and online CP courses format. Topics to be discussed include course management systems, course content, and course resources used. Issues related to the day-to-day operations of an online course, resources and institutional support provided by large and small universities, and their implications for online course development and delivery will also be discussed.

The symposium will conclude by fostering a dialogue with participants about the direction CP should take in the use of online resources.

Sub Unit


Individual Presentations