Individual Submission Summary

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Cultural, Ecological Integrative Model for Studying Positive Development in Youth of Color

Fri, April 13, 12:15 to 1:45pm, Hilton, Floor: Third Floor, Minneapolis Grand Ballroom-Salon A


Biosketch: Velma McBride Murry PhD is the Lois Autrey Betts Chair in Education and Human Development, The Joe B. Wyatt Distinguished University Professor, and Professor, Human and Organizational Development in Peabody College at Vanderbilt University. Dr. McBride Murry conducts research on African-American parents and youth to identify and test proximal, malleable protective factors that deter emotional problems and risk engagement in youth. Central to this work is the Strong African American Families Program and Pathways for African American Success Program. Among her recent publications is Adjustment and development of African American males: The roles of families, communities, and other contexts. In In L. Burton, D. Burton, S. M. McHale, V. King, & J. Van Hook (Eds.), Boys and men in African American families, National symposium on family issues Vol. 7. She is a member of the National Academy of Medicine Board of Children, Youth, and Families. Among recognition given her work is the 2014 Society for Prevention Research Culture and Prevention Award.
