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Sharing Nicely with Others: Moving Developmental Scientists Toward Open Data Sharing

Thu, October 4, 9:00 to 10:30am, Doubletree Hilton, Room: Coronado


We research social-emotional development in children, but even some developmental scientists have trouble sharing nicely with others. Despite an increasing push from publishers and funders toward more open scientific practices, reproducibility and transparency are hindered by the low rate at which researchers share their data and procedures. In two recent surveys, only 28.1% of respondents (N = 83) reported sharing data with other researchers – although 50.0% of them used an online video sharing service to view other researchers' data, and 46.9% used the same online platform to locate video clips for teaching or conference presentations. The field seems to be moving in the right direction, however – 68.8% of the same researchers had applied for permission from their ethics board to share their data with other researchers. This poster will discuss the challenges – and some potential solutions – to move researchers closer to open sharing of data and procedures, including: (1) participant confidentiality and privacy concerns; (2) meeting the requirements of institutional review boards; (3) collaboration among international researchers with different institutional frameworks; and (4) data management and syncing with online repositories. With the proper tools and services, developmental scientists can become better at sharing, and the field will move forward at an accelerated pace of discovery.
