Individual Submission Summary

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Table 11 – Dr. Charles Kalish

Sat, March 23, 12:00 to 1:30pm, Hilton Baltimore, Floor: Level 2, Key 5

Integrative Statement

My research focuses on the development of inductive inference and causal reasoning. Much of my work addresses the role of norms in social cognition. How does children’s understanding of rules and obligations develop, and what role does such understanding play in predicting and explaining people’s behavior? A second line of research concerns more general processes of categorization and inference. I explore how people use evidence to make category-based inductions, and how beliefs about the nature and origins of categories affect learning and judgment.

I have recently joined SRCD as its inaugural Director for Science. In this role I will be heading the Society’s science affairs team, as well as overseeing the publication of the Society’s journals, coordinating various science-based initiatives, and enhancing SRCD's science policy advocacy activities.
