Individual Submission Summary

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Adolescents or Immigrants? The Coaction of Developmental and Acculturative Processes

Thu, March 21, 11:15am to 12:15pm, Hilton Baltimore, Floor: Level 2, Holiday Ballroom

Integrative Statement

The presentation will highlight the coaction of developmental and acculturative processes in explaining behavioral outcomes among children and adolescents with immigrant background. In the first part, the presentation will demonstrate different methodological approaches and empirical results of how the coaction of development and acculturation have been studied in past research on immigrant youth. These approaches mainly considered developmental and acculturation-related changes, predictors, and stages. However, as the dynamics of change are often only implicitly implemented in acculturation research, the second part will present a more dynamic understanding of acculturation. This part will present concepts of acculturation timing that pertain to the biological, social and psychological changes in pubertal development. We specifically present the concepts of acculturative timing, tempo, pace, and synchronicity as a means to systematically study acculturative changes over time. These concepts may help in making acculturation research more dynamic and less static.
