Session Submission Summary

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Synthetic Actors II: Algorithms and Databases as Synthetic Actors

Fri, September 1, 2:00 to 3:30pm, Sheraton Boston, Floor: 3, Beacon E

Session Submission Type: Traditional (Closed) Panel


In particular situations or social settings, humans begin to encounter drones, robots, and even software algorithms as interaction partners. That is, they are being experienced, treated, or addressed as actors by everyday participants of, e.g., stock markets, robotics development labs, or UAV test facilities. This open session will be dedicated to theorizing empirical phenomena of this type. We do not intend to theoretically declare all material entities to be potential actants, or to frame all social conduct to be enmeshed into ‘ontologically flat’ actor-networks; such a move would render the particularity of these cases invisible. Instead, we aim to investigate synthetic situations (Knorr Cetina 2009) in which either screens or robotics afford the response presence of not only human interaction partners, but also software or machines. Actorship and the experience of being-in-interaction are thus tied to the situation, and are structured by its organization, temporality, and regime of attention. We call for empirical and theoretical papers investigating the forms, effects, structures, or problems of mediated, robotic, or synthetic situations that afford interaction or synthetic actors.

Sub Unit



Individual Presentations