Session Submission Summary

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Making and Doing: Activating STS through Knowledge Expression and Travel - I

Sat, September 7, 1:00 to 2:30pm, Sheraton New Orleans Hotel, Floor: Five, Grand Ballroom D


STS making and doing turns STS lessons about the non-linearity of knowledge production, expression, and travel, and about the strength of material agency, onto STS engagements in the field. Making and doing practices stand out by contributing in new ways to the production of STS knowledge as well as to the expression and travel of that knowledge. Much of the energy and passion in making and doing projects emerges in moments and experiences of scholarly instability and expansion. Effecting flows of STS knowledge into the field and reflexively learning from those flows raises new issues and tends to bring the scholar into the scholarship. Uncertainties emerge in the contents and possibilities of flow as relations and stakes multiply. Situated resistance becomes a virtual given. Seemingly-connected projects produce widely-variable temporalities and spatialities that are difficult to predict or control. Ethical issues and surprises become paramount as scholars position STS knowledge to re-affect their fields. Professional identities lose recognizable form as methods and media expand. Knowledge travel becomes fully intertwined with knowledge production, requiring full yet non-navel-gazing author presence in scholarly accounts. How do STS scholars of making and doing string together engagements with reflexive learning while accepting accountability and taking account of knowledge politics? These sessions share experimental contributions that focus on the return flows that making and doing activities generate.


Individual Presentations

Session Organizers