Individual Submission Summary

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New Perspectives In Digital Platform Governance: Qualitative Studies Of Open Access Platforms

Thu, August 20, 6:00 to 7:40pm CEST (6:00 to 7:40pm CEST), virPrague, VR 12


We propose a set of three new conceptual tools to analyse the role of digital platform ‘insiders’, adding to debates on the understanding of digital governance as a socially embedded phenomenon through the study of open access academic platforms. Rather than framing these debates as a confrontation between private/commercial and public/non-profit actors, as is done in much of the literature on open access, here we use online scientific platforms as case-studies in STS and socioeconomic to assess broader issues surrounding scholarly digital-content management, such as the structuring of international vis-à-vis regional networks, the politics and practices of assessing organisational performance within platforms, and the creation of managerial logics corresponding to the non-commercial interests within scientific communities.
