Session Submission Summary

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Maintenance and its knowledges I

Tue, August 18, 6:00 to 7:40pm CEST (6:00 to 7:40pm CEST), virPrague, VR 03


In recent years, a series of maintenance studies have uncovered a world of sociotechnical practices that had remained unexplored by traditional STS such as research around innovation, breakdowns or disasters. Mostly repetitive and unheroic, these practices are dedicated to making things last rather than creating novelty or simply putting damaged objects ‘back in order’. In these approaches, maintenance has been described in terms of an ethics of care, in which material entanglements, thoughtful improvisations and embodied adjustments are essential features.

This panel aims at complementing these investigations by focusing on the different forms of knowledge—e.g. theories, standards, ‘best practices’, oral stories, tacit skills—, that emerge for, around, and as maintenance. These knowledges are plural and sometimes antagonistic in how they shape the means and rules to take care of objects, and how they define the ‘whatness’ of the things that are maintained. We would like to explore and analyze their relationships, and understand the conditions of their articulation, separation, or confrontation.

Beyond a generic use of the notion of ‘knowledge’, submissions are invited to pay particular attention to the specific forms of knowledge that emerge at various empirical settings. Furthermore, if different forms of knowledge may work as resources or constraints during interventions, maintenance situations can also be investigated as sites and moments of knowledge generation. We expect that documenting and understanding the dynamics of these processes will be central to some of the proposals.


Individual Presentations

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