Session Submission Summary

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The Party’s Over: A Panel and Open Discussion on the Aftermath of the ASA's Boycott Resolution

Thu, November 6, 4:00 to 5:45pm, Westin Bonaventure, Floor: Level 1, Beaudry A (L1)

Session Submission Type: Non-Paper Session: Dialogue Format


Participants at this roundtable will discuss, evaluate, and consider responses to the December 2013 A.S.A. resolution to boycott Israeli academic institutions. Its hosts oppose the political tactic of academic boycott on principle. Nor are we alone in this understanding. Since the vote, the A.S.A. has been the subject of immense criticism and ill will overseas (including in Palestine), in American higher education, and within its own ranks. Academic boycotts punish colleges and universities for the policies of the governments they depend on to exist and do their work. Such institutions are essential to democracy, and their efforts are easily thwarted when their members are judged guilty by association.

The discussion’s hosts will each offer a brief (5 minute) position paper on one aspect of the boycott in light of the A.S.A’s charter and of our common cause and responsibilities as teachers and scholars. Then with attendees, we will collectively consider the many intellectual and pedagogical aims of American Studies, and discuss activist efforts that are consistent with those aims. We plan to develop a position paper to circulate among the larger membership. As a result of this meeting, we hope to offer a way forward to the voting members of the A.S.A., and to colleagues in the field who are not able to afford memberships. We invite all interested conference attendees to participate.

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