Session Submission Summary

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Black Ecologies of Dissent

Fri, November 10, 4:00 to 5:45pm, Hyatt Regency Chicago, Gold Coast, Concourse Level West Tower

Session Submission Type: Paper Session: Traditional Format


Questions of sustainability, ecology, and environmental justice have begun to garner much attention within the fields of black studies, critical ethnic studies, and American studies within the contemporary moment. This panel asks what possibilities emerge when we center “black ecologies” in our scholarly inquiries. We designate "Black Ecologies" as alternative spaces and theoretical frameworks that center black (femme/female) vitality, black (female/femme) relationships with the environment—including human and non-human life, and understandings of black (female/femme) ecological relationality that exceed largely white/eurocentric frameworks that abound in environmental literature and philosophy, nature writing, and ecocriticism. Guiding questions include: How do normative responses to environmental injustice unshackle or delimit our scholarship? How do state logics condition our engagement with blackness, gender, and ecology? And how can discourses of humanism reflect black ecofeminist concerns in the present moment and beyond it?

Sub Unit


Individual Presentations