Session Submission Summary

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Committee on Departments, Programs, and Centers: Pedagogies, Emergent Capacities and Sustaining the Magic of American Studies

Fri, November 9, 10:00 to 11:45am, Westin Peachtree, Floor: Seventh, Augusta 1 (Seventh)

Session Submission Type: Non-Paper Session: Professional Development Format


American studies learning and teaching is an important site of active convergence in the world we inhabit: experiences, urgencies, ideas, and futures are brought to bear in the contexts of our focused work together and help shape what is possible for students and teachers alike outside a course or classroom. This roundtable provides an opportunity to share insights and questions about the necessarily relational and socially and institutionally embedded activity of American studies teaching and learning. Our classrooms are sites of emergent change for both students and teachers, and capacities for change outside the classroom. What practices and insights about our world, our classrooms, and our institutions best help sustain the transformational joy and potential of American studies teaching and learning?

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