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2014 ABO Research Conference
The Accounting, Behavior and Organization Section invites you to the 2014 Midyear Meeting.

The 2014 ABO Midyear Meeting will be held at The Sheraton Society Hill Hotel in the historic Old City District of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The meeting will commence with a doctoral consortium on Friday, October 24, followed by the Midyear Meeting Friday and Saturday, October 24–25. A limited number of rooms have been set aside for conference participants at the rate of $189 per night, single or double occupancy. If you are planning on attending, we suggest that you reserve a room early. For more hotel information, please Click Here.

Submission and Volunteer Information
On or before May 23, 2014, the ABO Section will be accepting submissions of research papers. Papers may encompass any topical area involving human or organizational behavior.

The deadline for submissions is June 25, 2014. There will be a $25 submission fee for all faculty members. Once you have paid the submission fee, you may submit your paper through the electronic submissions system. During the submission process, you will be asked to provide a Submission Fee Acknowledgement Code, which you will receive via email upon completing the fee payment form. NOTE: Doctoral students are not required to pay the submission fee. During the submission process, doctoral students should enter "Doctoral" where the Submission Fee Acknolwledgement Code is required. Authors are also highly encouraged to volunteer as a reviewer, discussant or moderator which can also be done through the electronic submission system.

Emerging Scholar Session
This year's conference will include an Emerging Scholar session. This session will showcase the work of new scholars while providing detailed constructive feedback from senior reviewers and discussants. Faculty who have graduated within the past three years and doctoral students are encouraged to submit their work for consideration. Please be sure to indicate in the submission system that your paper is for the Emerging Scholar Session.

Finally, the ABO awards two outstanding paper awards: Outstanding Manuscript and Outstanding Emerging Scholar Manuscript.
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