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Session Submission Type: Paper Session
Jeremy Lill, University of Kansas
Jason Kuang, Georgia Institute of Technology
Alisa Gabrielle Brink, Virginia Commonwealth University
Rethinking Positive versus Negative Reciprocity: Father Time Weighs In - Jordan Samet, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Karl Schuhmacher, Emory University; Kristy L Towry, Emory University; Jacob Theodore Zureich, Emory University
The Joint Effects of a Manager’s Level of Narcissism and Incentive Scheme on Employee Effort - Miriam Kristina Maske, University of Bundeswehr Munich; Matthias Sohn, European University Viadrina; Bernhard Hirsch, University of Bundeswehr Munich
When does Employee Giving Spill Over into Subsequent Ethics? The Role of the Organization of the Employee Giving Program - Eddy Cardinaels, Tilburg University and KU Leuven; Qinnan Ruan, Tilburg University; Huaxiang Yin, Nanyang Technological University