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Individual Submission Summary

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The effect of peer-to-peer recognition systems on helping behavior: The influence of rewards and group affiliation

Fri, October 14, 3:45 to 5:15pm, TBA


Peer recognition systems are an increasingly popular management control tool through which employees can recognize and thank one another. Across two experiments, I examine the effectiveness of these systems in motivating employee helping behavior. My theory and findings suggest that group affiliation is a key moderating factor in determining the motivating influence of peer recognition systems. Specifically, I find that the presence of a peer recognition system has a greater positive effect on in-group versus out-group helping; a finding consistent with the peer recognition system resonating with in-group members’ social motivation to help. Conversely, I also find the incremental benefit of adding rewards to a peer recognition system is greater for out-group versus in-group helping. This effect appears to be the result of rewards replacing in-group members’ social motivation. My findings provide insight into when peer recognition systems are most effective and when tying rewards to peer recognition is beneficial.
